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Mad Paws

Cat sitting in St Kilda VIC

Book a pet sitter to stop by your home a few times a day to feed and play with your pet.

Required: What service are you looking for?
Required: How often do you need it?
Required: Add your pets
PuppyUnder 6 months
Small dog0-10 kg
Medium dog11-20 kg
Large dog21-40 kg
Giant dog41+ kg

4389 Cat Sitters

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Average rating of Cat Sitting

based on

31955 reviews of 27174 Pet Owners

Need more information about Cat Sitting in St Kilda VIC?

When it comes to your feline friend they truly deserve nothing less than the best (especially if you asked them) so why would you settle for anything besides Cat Sitting? This wonderful service through Mad Paws ensures you're booking the best service available in VIC St. Kilda when you need to duck away or spend a few nights away from home. Don't stress any longer about booking that last minute trip, you can finally indulge in a little more life.
  • If you're a constant traveler and you only want the best for your purring pal, then you need not go past Cat Sitting. Keeping consistency with the same sitter allows your cat to build a relationship with the new friend in their life. A happy kitty means a happy life!

  • Not all felines have the same needs, they're all the leads of their own shows, as they should be. However, when it comes to their care you want to make sure they aren't just getting a templated version that's offered to cats large and small. With Mad Paws, everything is tailored to your cat's needs. This is the perfect version of caregiving for any pet, fluffy, furry or feathery.

  • All of our Cat Sitters are absolute legends, most of them are five-star class and when it comes to caring for your pet, they won't miss a beat. They are devoted and enthusiastic pet carers, which means for your pet, lots of attention and love when you're away.

  • If you're like your cat, you may be a creature of comfort. Finding something that fits into your routine means predictability for all the right reasons. If this is the case, you can find a routine with your Cat Sitter to ensure everyone is as comfortable as possible whenever you're out of town.