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Pet sitters in Bridport
1 Pet Sitter
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Average rating of Pet Sitting & Home Dog Boarding
4 reviews of 1 Pet Owners
Need more information about Pet Sitting in Bridport TAS?
No to Cages! - In a Pet Sitting location your dog will not be confined as they would in a caged kennel, thus, reducing their stress. They will be in a home environment with room to roam and relax. While a pet minder isn’t you, we believe it is the next best thing.
No Place Like Home – With Pet Sitting your dog will be ushered into a warm caring home and treated like family by the pet minder.
Affordable – Pet Sitting can meet your budget because you have a vast variety of pet minders to choose from. This gives you more options than kennel care, options of quality care that will not break your bank.
Safety First - Your dog will be cared for in a loving intimate setting, not confined with many other animals. With Mad Paws the Pet Sitting environment would have the option of a sitter with a few well socialized pets, or just your pet alone with the sitter. This would be set up to meet the individual needs of your dog.
Stable Routine - Before you spend a dime, we ask that you set up a meeting with your pet minder and educate them on your dog's daily routine. The sitter will keep on your dog's schedule making them comfortable, and keeping them healthy.
Personal Attention – The quantity and quality of time your pet minder gives your dog cannot be matched in a kennel. In Pet Sitting your pet will not be an animal to be checked on periodically, but instead will be interacting, playing and hanging out with a trusted and reliable caregiver/friend and will be a part of their home activity.