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Pet sitters in Hervey Bay

Book a pet sitter to look after your pet while you're away, with all the creature comforts.

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from 2,943 reviews on

Product Review

๐Ÿ† 2024 Award Winner

Pet sitters in Hervey Bay

25 Pet Sitters

  • Reliable and caring dog lover

    Dundowran Beach (2.0 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (24)

    $51.00ย / night

    Thumbnail of Nadine D.
    Has the following badges:
    • 7 Repeat guests
  • Iโ€™m extremely reliable trustworthy and a very pleasant home

    Eli Waters (4.2 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (23)

    $79.00ย / night

    Thumbnail of Murray H.
  • Happy Paws ๐Ÿพ Wagging Tails ๐Ÿ•

    Point Vernon (6.1 km)

    $45.00ย / night

    Thumbnail of Jane B.
  • Large yard with non working carer to spoil your pooch.

    Pialba (6.3 km)

    $51.00ย / night

    Thumbnail of David M.
  • Easygoing all rounder for your furbabies!

    Eli Waters (4.2 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (3)

    $51.00ย / night

    Thumbnail of Amber W.
  • Reliable, caring, loving, honest and affordable

    Point Vernon (6.1 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (2)

    $56.00ย / night

    Thumbnail of Swey U.
  • Experienced and Caring Pet Sitter!

    Kawungan (8.2 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (57)

    $56.00ย / night

    Thumbnail of Emily S.
    Has the following badges:
    • 10 Repeat guests
  • All animals pet sitter and carer

    Scarness (8.6 km)

    Rating score: 4.9Total reviews: (7)

    $68.00ย / night

    Thumbnail of Ellen L.
  • Reliable and caring sitter for your furry friend ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿพ

    Sunshine Acres (8.5 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (9)

    $68.00ย / night

    Thumbnail of Celine W.
    Has the following badges:
    • 2 Repeat guests
  • Fit and Healthy Animal Lover living in Hervey Bay

    Torquay (10.0 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (226)

    $79.00ย / night

    Thumbnail of Kurt N.
    Has the following badges:
    • 27 Repeat guests
  • Absolute animal lover of all kind ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿ๐Ÿฆ†๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ“

    Urangan (12.3 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (82)

    $40.00ย / night

    Thumbnail of Abbie H.
    Has the following badges:
    • 13 Repeat guests
  • Home away from home pet care

    Toogoom (8.4 km)

    Rating score: 4.9Total reviews: (184)

    $84.00ย / night

    Thumbnail of Odette H.
    Has the following badges:
    • 24 Repeat guests
  • Beach walks and best care!

    Urangan (12.3 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (6)

    $40.00ย / night

    Thumbnail of Julie B.
    Has the following badges:
    • Police check
  • I can love your pet while you're away

    Maryborough (27.1 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (5)

    $28.00ย / night

    Thumbnail of Jessica M.
  • Doggy day care, hotel, pet sitting and dog walking.

    Torquay (10.0 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (49)

    $84.00ย / night

    Thumbnail of Claire P.
    Has the following badges:
    • 4 Repeat guests
  • ๐Ÿ• River Heads Pooch Retreat with Dave and Nicole๐Ÿพ

    River Heads (19.0 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (20)

    $62.00ย / night

    Thumbnail of Nicole and Dave C.
    Has the following badges:
    • 6 Repeat guests
  • A warm welcoming home for your pet!

    Granville (27.9 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (47)

    $51.00ย / night

    Thumbnail of Jess & Dan S.
    Has the following badges:
    • 6 Repeat guests
  • Maryborough situated pet walker with a love of all animals!

    Maryborough (27.1 km)

    $56.00ย / night

    Thumbnail of Elizabeth R.
  • Your pets are a part of our family.

    Maryborough (27.1 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (37)

    $56.00ย / night

    Thumbnail of Lea M.
    Has the following badges:
    • 6 Repeat guests
    • Police check
  • Reliable Caring, fun, exercise , lovely pet friendly home.

    Torquay (10.0 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (34)

    $101.00ย / night

    Thumbnail of CHERYL V.
    Has the following badges:
    • 2 Repeat guests
    • Police check
    • Fenced yard

Average rating of Pet Sitting & Home Dog Boarding

based on

886 reviews of 1214 Pet Owners