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Mad Paws

Pet sitters in Perth

Book a pet sitter to look after your pet while you're away, with all the creature comforts.

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from 2,943 reviews on

Product Review

🏆 2024 Award Winner

Pet sitters in Perth

14 Pet Sitters

  • Available for the holidays

    Reliable and Caring Pet Lover

    Newnham (21.2 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (19)

    $56.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Kwok Man Y.
    Has the following badges:
    • 5 Repeat guests
  • Overnight sitter for medium to large dogs

    Riverside (17.4 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (16)

    $45.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Sam A.
    Has the following badges:
    • 4 Repeat guests
  • Available for the holidays

    All Animals need Cuddles ;-)

    Invermay (16.7 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (28)

    $79.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Alycia B.
    Has the following badges:
    • 6 Repeat guests
  • Reliable, Experienced and Caring Pet Sitter

    Travellers Rest (10.8 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (55)

    $68.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Ben C.
    Has the following badges:
    • 8 Repeat guests
  • Available for the holidays

    Conveniently located pet loving pet sitter close to Launceston CBD.

    South Launceston (12.6 km)

    $51.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Leny (Glenys) S.
  • Reliable and Caring pet sitter/ Dog walker!

    Invermay (16.7 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (5)

    $96.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Annaleise S.
    Has the following badges:
    • 1 Repeat guest
  • Available for the holidays

    I love animals and I enjoy taking dogs for walks.

    Summerhill (11.9 km)

    $28.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Felicity D.
    Has the following badges:
    • Police check
  • Dogs come first in our house!

    Newnham (21.2 km)

    $28.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Ainsley E.
    Has the following badges:
    • Police check
  • Friendly and loving dog walker and sitting household

    Trevallyn (15.7 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (2)

    $56.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Courtney & Meg P.
  • Friendly and caring animal lover

    Newstead (13.7 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (3)

    $62.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Gabi N.
  • Dog lover caring gentle fun kind loyal trustworthy reliable

    Newstead (13.7 km)

    Rating score: 4.8Total reviews: (12)

    $34.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Belinda R.
    Has the following badges:
    • Police check
  • Fun loving care when you're not there

    Summerhill (11.9 km)

    $56.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Rebecca  H.
  • reliable sitter, usyd student, can go anywhere

    Launceston (15.1 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (2)

    $56.00 / night

    Thumbnail of yue s.
  • Home away from home - reliable, loving and trustworthy

    Newnham (21.2 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (4)

    $40.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Lauren B.

Average rating of Pet Sitting & Home Dog Boarding

based on

146 reviews of 476 Pet Owners

Need more information about Pet Boarding in Perth TAS?

Are you a Pet Owner looking for a trusted Pet Boarding service in Perth TAS? The reality is looking for the right type of care for your beloved fur-fam can be overwhelming, however, Mad Paws has really changed the game when it comes to finding the perfect match in Perth. Trusted, loving and affordable care is available every day of the year.
  • Reviews play a role in decision making, it's just like a referral from a good friend, and when someone else raves about their experience it can really set your mind at ease. At Mad Paws we absolutely have a rating system, this allows transparency to be at the forefront of every Pet Sitter and Pet Owners experience.

  • Pet Boarding is above all else as your pet will have a home away from home that really dotes on their every need. Extra belly rubs, loads of cuddles and plenty of exercise are on the list. Don't let your pet miss out on any extra love while you're away and secure their good times with Mad Paws Pet Boarding.

  • Keeping things consistent - once you've found yourself the best match for your pooch, you can bet your Pet Boarding needs will feel like a breeze. Build a great relationship with the Pet Sitters to ensure low stress levels for everyone involved.

  • Being doted on is a guarantee for your pet when it comes to Pet Boarding. Our Pet Sitters community is made up of people who love and value the company of pets - large and small. If your pet needs extra love, lots of walks or even a specialised dinner, you can feel confident in leaving your loved one behind as their needs will be beyond met.