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Pet sitters in Roxburgh Park

Book a pet sitter to look after your pet while you're away, with all the creature comforts.

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from 2,943 reviews on

Product Review

šŸ† 2024 Award Winner

Pet sitters in Roxburgh Park

2421 Pet Sitters

  • Reliable and experienced sitter at your service!

    Roxburgh Park (0.9 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (14)

    $34.00Ā / night

    Thumbnail of Kimberly  S.
    Has the following badges:
    • 4 Repeat guests
    • Police check
    • Fenced yard
  • Offering a professional and enjoyable experience!

    Craigieburn (2.9 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (2)

    $56.00Ā / night

    Thumbnail of Sophie and Shanuka H.
  • Pet loving family with large secured garden

    Roxburgh Park (0.9 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (26)

    $62.00Ā / night

    Thumbnail of Rosanna J.
    Has the following badges:
    • 7 Repeat guests
  • Passionate and dedicated pet sitter!

    Roxburgh Park (0.9 km)

    $62.00Ā / night

    Thumbnail of Rana C.
  • You can contact me anytime and get in touch with me for pet services

    Roxburgh Park (0.9 km)

    $62.00Ā / night

    Thumbnail of Navishal  K.
  • The Home away from Home

    Greenvale (4.8 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (25)

    $68.00Ā / night

    Thumbnail of Lesley M.
    Has the following badges:
    • 8 Repeat guests
  • Your petā€™s home away from homešŸ”PetšŸ¶+loveā¤ļø+laughteršŸ˜ƒ= Happiness šŸ˜‡

    Craigieburn (2.9 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (9)

    $68.00Ā / night

    Thumbnail of Navjot  P.
    Has the following badges:
    • 3 Repeat guests
    • Police check
  • Available for the holidays

    Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened

    Craigieburn (2.9 km)

    $56.00Ā / night

    Thumbnail of Aman T.
  • Available for the holidays

    Trustworthy, respectful, years in pet industry . Reliable and honest.

    Meadow Heights (3.5 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (24)

    $68.00Ā / night

    Thumbnail of Kristina L.
    Has the following badges:
    • 4 Repeat guests
    • Police check
  • Hoomans day care with lots of cuddles

    Craigieburn (2.9 km)

    $79.00Ā / night

    Thumbnail of Aanchal K.
  • Available for the holidays

    Smothered with love by our family

    Roxburgh Park (0.9 km)

    Rating score: 4.9Total reviews: (48)

    $81.00Ā / night

    Thumbnail of Holly P.
    Has the following badges:
    • 8 Repeat guests
    • Police check
    • Fenced yard
  • Available for the holidays

    Reliable pet sitter in Craigieburn

    Craigieburn (2.9 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (12)

    $45.00Ā / night

    Thumbnail of Swarnadip B.
    Has the following badges:
    • 2 Repeat guests
  • reliable, loving and caring pet sitter

    Craigieburn (2.9 km)

    $56.00Ā / night

    Thumbnail of shehara i.
  • Fun Friendly Reliable pet sitter..

    Meadow Heights (3.5 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (22)

    $40.00Ā / night

    Thumbnail of Alisha F.
    Has the following badges:
    • 4 Repeat guests
    • Fenced yard
  • Northern Suburbs Pet Sitter / Carer AVAILABLE FOR XMAS

    Craigieburn (2.9 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (3)

    $90.00Ā / night

    Thumbnail of Rachel D.
    Has the following badges:
    • 1 Repeat guest
  • Reliable Pet mummy near Melbourne Airport. Petsitting / Dogwalking

    Greenvale (4.8 km)

    $79.00Ā / night

    Thumbnail of LITSA C.
    Has the following badges:
    • Police check
  • Caring pet sitter to look after your furry friend

    Greenvale (4.8 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (44)

    $56.00Ā / night

    Thumbnail of Charlene M.
    Has the following badges:
    • 12 Repeat guests
  • experienced, Reliable and Caring and trustworthy Dog sitter

    Craigieburn (2.9 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (6)

    $62.00Ā / night

    Thumbnail of Ranpreet K.
    Has the following badges:
    • 1 Repeat guest
  • Available for the holidays

    A loving pet sitter who adores animals, instagram @kyara.madpaws

    Craigieburn (2.9 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (4)

    $101.00Ā / night

    Thumbnail of KYARA P.
    Has the following badges:
    • Police check
    • Fenced yard
  • Reliable and loving pet sitter. Your pets are my priority!

    Coolaroo (4.2 km)

    $62.00Ā / night

    Thumbnail of Melani A.

Average rating of Pet Sitting & Home Dog Boarding

based on

21705 reviews of 28184 Pet Owners