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Pet sitters in Uriarra Village

Book a pet sitter to look after your pet while you're away, with all the creature comforts.

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To change the pet selection, click the field or press ENTER key to launch the pet field in a dialog.
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from 2,943 reviews on

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🏆 2024 Award Winner

Pet sitters in Uriarra Village

221 Pet Sitters

  • Compassionate Pet Care in a Cozy Home Environment

    Denman Prospect (9.0 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (5)

    $67.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Shan H.
  • dependable, reliable, caring, thoughtful and trustworthy type of pet sitter

    Rivett (11.8 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (14)

    $56.00 / night

    Thumbnail of teresa s.
    Has the following badges:
    • 4 Repeat guests
  • Reliable and Loving Pet Sitter

    Bonner (23.9 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (63)

    $68.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Samira S.
    Has the following badges:
    • 13 Repeat guests
  • Affordable and attentive care for your furry or featherd babies

    Florey (13.7 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (64)

    $59.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Anderson F.
    Has the following badges:
    • 14 Repeat guests
  • Experienced and relaxed dog lover with large home!

    Kaleen (18.4 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (46)

    $73.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Areta K.
    Has the following badges:
    • 6 Repeat guests
  • Reliable pet sitter and animal lover in Canberra city

    Braddon (19.3 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (40)

    $68.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Pauline Z.
    Has the following badges:
    • 10 Repeat guests
  • Caring, loving and flexible Pet Sitter

    Monash (20.8 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (25)

    $34.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Lucy B.
    Has the following badges:
    • 4 Repeat guests
    • Police check
    • Fenced yard
  • Available for the holidays

    The highest quality care you can trust!

    Franklin (22.5 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (48)

    $84.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Penny S.
    Has the following badges:
    • 10 Repeat guests
    • Police check
    • Fenced yard
  • Animal lover, big or small

    Holt (11.4 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (82)

    $68.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Leiah B.
    Has the following badges:
    • 19 Repeat guests
    • Police check
  • Reliable animal lovers in convenient Dickson next to parks

    Dickson (20.1 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (3)

    $56.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Isabelle & Michael K.
  • Need some help with your fur babies?

    Holt (11.4 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (22)

    $77.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Chris H.
    Has the following badges:
    • 6 Repeat guests
  • Dog-parent who can provide love and cuddles for all bups

    Watson (21.7 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (24)

    $68.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Millicent S.
    Has the following badges:
    • 7 Repeat guests
  • I love all pets by giving walks, treats and cuddles

    Wanniassa (19.7 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (29)

    $68.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Jen P.
    Has the following badges:
    • 6 Repeat guests
  • Reliable, loving and caring family in Queanbeyan

    Karabar (29.1 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (30)

    $84.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Emily L.
    Has the following badges:
    • 6 Repeat guests
  • Dunski Pampered Pet Care Services

    Bonython (20.7 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (1)

    $68.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Greg D.
    Has the following badges:
    • Police check
  • Trainee vet nurse and reliable

    Banks (25.0 km)

    Rating score: 4.5Total reviews: (15)

    $90.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Ally M.
    Has the following badges:
    • 2 Repeat guests
  • Animal lovers without fur babies living vicariously through yours

    Crace (19.4 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (122)

    $68.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Amy T.
    Has the following badges:
    • 29 Repeat guests
  • Reliable and caring pet sitter

    Taylor (21.6 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (2)

    $45.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Amna R.
  • Reliable Belconnen area animal lover at your service

    Holt (11.4 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (10)

    $54.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Adele b.
    Has the following badges:
    • 4 Repeat guests
  • Available for the holidays

    Experienced, reliable and energetic individual

    Belconnen Dc (17.0 km)

    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (22)

    $56.00 / night

    Thumbnail of Keona W.
    Has the following badges:
    • 4 Repeat guests

Average rating of Pet Sitting & Home Dog Boarding

based on

4197 reviews of 4201 Pet Owners

Need more information about Pet Sitting in Uriarra Village ACT?

All dog owners want to know that their dog is being well cared for when they have to be away and cannot be the one to care for their pet. Thus, when leaving town on a business trip or a family vacation, a dog owner has an important choice to make between a kennel or Pet Sitting. Placing a pet in a kennel is not only expensive, it puts unnecessary stress on your dog, it usually means very little exercise, and it can put your pet in harm’s way by needless exposure to disease. Placing your dog in Pet Sitting in Uriarra Village ACT under the care of Mad Paws has many advantages which will give you peace of mind with the assurance of the following:
  • Stable Routine - Before you spend a dime, we ask that you set up a meeting with your pet host and educate them on your dog's daily routine. The sitter will keep on your dog's schedule making them comfortable, and keeping them healthy.

  • Reduced Risk – Unlike a kennel, which could have your dog confined near diseased, aggressive, or despairing pets, Pet Sitting is an intimate setting. If there are other dogs they are carefully chosen, healthy and well behaved.

  • No to Cages! - In a Pet Sitting location your dog will not be confined as they would in a caged kennel, thus, reducing their stress. They will be in a home environment with room to roam and relax. While a pet host isn’t you, we believe it is the next best thing.

  • Nothing Quite Like Home - Pet Sitting gives your dog a temporary home away from home. Pet Sitting locations will remind them of the home they are accustomed to.

  • Affordable – Pet Sitting can meet your budget because you have a vast variety of pet hosts to choose from. This gives you more options than kennel care, options of quality care that will not break your bank.

  • Personal Attention – The quantity and quality of time your pet host gives your dog cannot be matched in a kennel. In Pet Sitting your pet will not be an animal to be checked on periodically, but instead will be interacting, playing and hanging out with a trusted and reliable caregiver/friend and will be a part of their home activity.