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Mad Paws

Pet sitters in Wallaroo

Book a pet sitter to look after your pet while you're away, with all the creature comforts.

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from 2,943 reviews on

Product Review

🏆 2024 Award Winner

Pet sitters in Wallaroo

1 Pet Sitter

  • Reliable Friendly and Experienced Dog Walker/Pet Carer.

    Moonta Bay (14.1 km)

    $56.00 / night
    Thumbnail of Julie P.
    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (8)
    Has the following badges:
    • Police check

Average rating of Pet Sitting & Home Dog Boarding

based on

8 reviews of 29 Pet Owners

Need more information about Pet Sitting in Wallaroo SA?

All dog owners want to know that their pup is being well cared for when they have to be away and cannot be the one to care for their pet. Thus, when leaving town on a business trip or a family vacation, a dog owner has an important choice to make between a kennel or Pet Sitting. Placing a pet in a kennel is not only expensive, it puts unnecessary stress on your pup, it usually means very little exercise, and it can put your pet in harm’s way by needless exposure to disease. Placing your pup in Pet Sitting in Wallaroo SA under the care of Mad Paws has many advantages which will give you peace of mind with the assurance of the following:
  • No Cages – The last place you want to leave your pup is behind bars in a kennel, which can compound stress for your pup and create worry for you. With a pet minder in a caring home environment your pet will be free and happy.

  • Doesn't Break the Bank - Not only does Pet Sitting give your pup more one on one attention, but this option is more affordable than a kennel as you can choose a sitter that fits your budget.

  • No Place Like Home – With Pet Sitting your pup will be ushered into a warm caring home and treated like family by the pet minder.

  • Comfort of Routine – Mad Paws wants you and your pup to meet your pet minder prior to making your first payment. This gives the opportunity to lay out your pet’s daily routine for the pet minder. Having their routine implemented will give pup a positive outlook and they will find comfort in it.

  • One on One Attention - A personal pet minder is devoted to your pup. You can be secure in knowing your pet will get quality time, attention and dependable care. You will be able to relax and enjoy your time away, trusting that your pet is getting the love they need.

  • Reduced Risk – Unlike a kennel, which could have your pup confined near diseased, aggressive, or despairing pets, Pet Sitting is an intimate setting. If there are other pups they are carefully chosen, healthy and well behaved.