Complaining about the price of vet care
Veterinarians don’t tend to be petty or pedantic but certain behaviours can really get under their skin. Have a read below and see if you’ve ever been guilty of their top five pet peeves.

Lindsey Turner on Flickr
Using Google as a vet
Some pet owners trust Google to diagnose their pet by typing in their symptoms. Although occasionally it may be right, it’s a very dangerous risk to take. Vets often see animals arriving too late because their owners opted to “wait and see” after Google said they would be OK. Don’t take the risk! If your pet is unwell, consult your vet ASAP.
Not being prepared for pet ownership
Time and time again vets see owners who have not researched their pet’s breed and learned about what they will need in terms of healthcare, grooming, exercise or what their temperament is like. Owners then arrive at the surgery surprised to hear that their pet is developing a very common disease for that breed or are shocked to hear that they should be grooming at least once a day to avoid matting.
Complaining about the price of vet care
People are happy to spend ridiculous amounts on fancy beds, clothes and toys for their pets. The same people sometimes complain at the reasonable price of veterinary care – to look after their pet’s health. That’s one way to rub a vet up the wrong way!
Letting children run wild
Veterinary surgeries are no place for children to play. For one thing, there are most likely some very sick animals in the surgery who will not appreciate children squealing and bounding around. Apart from that, children running around, climbing on chairs (and sometimes even the vet’s table itself!) is unsafe and a distraction for the vet. Vets would much prefer if you brought an extra adult to watch the children while the consultation is underway.
Not giving warning that pets bite / scratch
If your pet gets anxious at the vet and is prone to biting or scratching the vet, there are actions your vet can take to ensure the safety of themselves and your pet. If you neglect to let them know that your pet may lash out, you are leaving both unprotected and things can get ugly!