Here’s how to start using your ‘Mad Paws Fetch for Dog Walkers’ App
For Dog Walkers, Fetch is about removing all the distractions and empowering you to focus on what matters more – your clients. With our new App, you won’t need to schedule and organise bookings, which means you can focus on the dog walk!
1. Download the App (App Store or Google Play).
2. Log in with your Mad Paws details.
3. Try out the features of the app with our ‘Test Client“; feel free to Submit a Walk as none of your clients will be charged. When you’re ready to start your first Walk, click Load Clients to see a list of your Fetch clients.
4. Click on any of the clients to view more details about them, OR to initiate a walk.
5. Once you’ve clicked on a client and are ready to start a walk, click Confirm Dog to Walk. The first time you do this, we will request access to your camera. This is because, to start and end the walk, you will need to take a photo of the dog.
6. When you are ready to start your Walk, click Take Photo and Start Walk.
A timer will start as soon as the photo is saved. When you take the photo, we will record the time at which the Walk started. These will both be sent to the Owner when you submit your Walk. You will not have the option to retake the photo – so tell the doggies to smile!

7. When you’re ready to End the Walk, click Open Camera and End Walk and then click Take Photo and End Walk. The time and photo will also be sent to the Pet Owner when you submit your walk.
8. Summary screen – here you will see the time you started and ended the walk. If you have any notes for Mad Paws Admin about the walk, or if the Owner asked you for any special requests such as a longer walk, this is where you can tell us!
9. Submit walk as complete!
That’s it! You’re all set to use the Fetch Walker App on your next walk.
You’re now ready to start submitting all your walks and getting paid for them through the Fetch Walker App. You won’t need to submit timesheets anymore!
If you have any issues or have questions, please contact our support team via:
email – fetch@madpaws.com.au
or SMS: +61419787649