
Name: Brooke
Job Title: Pet Sitter Support Manager
Pets: A Jack Russell/Maltese cross named Luna, and a mixed breed rescue dog named Coco
What were you doing before Mad Paws?
I worked as a Customer Service Manager for a small startup in the prepaid cards industry. I also launched a pet portraiture business, through which I paint watercolour portraits of people’s pets. After taking a short break from the business, I started accepting commissions again this year.
What do you love most about working at Mad Paws?
I love how everyone is super-friendly and so supportive. I feel comfortable approaching any teammate with a question, because the environment is so welcoming.
Tell me about something special you have on your desk
I’ve only started at Mad Paws recently, so I still haven’t furnished my desk with my own crazy knicknacks. Having said that, one thing I need to keep on my desk is my hand cream and lip balm.
What do you spend your weekends doing?
This may come as no surprise, but one of my passions is painting. I also try to swim in the ocean as much as possible over summer, and I go to the gym every day after work. My gym, Jungle Brothers, has become a kind of community for me. There are about 150 members, and everyone is friends with each other. They run a mixture of gymnastics, movement-based drills, Muay Thai, and Jiu Jitsu – and they also throw awesome Christmas parties!
What do you have as the background image on your phone?
At the moment, it’s a picture I took of two sunflowers in the veggie garden outside my gym.
If you could Pet Sit any animal, what would it be?
That’s tricky! It’s one of those questions that could have a million right answers. If I could, I’d Pet Sit an otter – but really, I’d take on anything.

Quickfire Round
Salvador Dali or Frida Kahlo?
Frida Kahlo
Calisthenics or Olympic lifting?
Olympic lifting
Tiny Teddies or Mini Kit Kats?
I love both, but I need to say Tiny Teddies.
Painting or drawing?
Katy Perry or Beyonce?
Katy Perry, for sure. Specifically, Katy Perry from her earlier days.
Muay Thai or Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?
Muay Thai
Dogs or cats?
Dogs. In fact, I’m allergic to cats!