Do you ever wonder what kind of effect a pet dog may have on your social circles? Odette McCarthy, one of our best Pet Sitters in Sydney, details how Dog Ownership can enhance your social life. Need a Pet Minder of Odette’s calibre but live outside of Sydney? Never fear – Mad Paws has Pet Sitters on the Gold Coast, in Perth, and everywhere in between!

“Come on, human. It’s time to paint the town red!”
Whenever I’m making social plans, a furry friend always factors in. In fact, mutts make me mingle! Today’s world presents an array of opportunities for a hound to heighten your involvement with humankind; after all, there is a wide dog-loving community that want to bond with pets and humans alike. Here are some ways to enhance your social life in a pet-friendly way!
Interactions in your social life can be easier with a dog
Are you going to a social event with your pooch? Expect your shaggy centre of attention to receive a greeting at the door before you! Awkward chitchat will also be a thing of the past as focus floods onto your furry friend, who starts the babble-ball rolling. Indeed, the topic of dogs is social super-glue. Who knows – your doggy could even double your chances of a date! A tail-wagging tip – a lapdog on your leash may lead to a lap-lover. In essence, a person with a pooch is perceived as approachable. Still unsure? Bring your pup to your next social function and watch how many conversations they start!
Spread the social life celebration with your furry celeb
It isn’t just friends who will flock to your furbaby. Your faithful big fuzz will become an esteemed member of your extended family. This boofy big cheese can’t help but shove their snoot in the spotlight on festive occasions, seize all attention in family photos, and star as a V.I.P. (Very Important PUP) of any celebratory card with their signature paw imprint. You will always have a compelling story if you featured your beloved bow-wow in a marriage proposal or wedding ceremony. To this day, I still babble about my brother-in-law’s bewhiskered Best Man and obedient ring-bearer beside him on his wedding day.
An excuse to connect with people in your social life
Throw your dog a party
Want a reason to bring your friends together? Give your dog a bone and throw them a bash! It doesn’t matter if this dog’s birthday isn’t for another 8 months. A party is the perfect excuse to join dogs, friends, and cake. What are you waiting for? Get socialising with fur and folk!
You’ll also have an excuse to boast your incr-EDIBLE baking skills for all hairy hounds and humans to enjoy.
Go to dog do’s
Have you ever been to a dog park? If not, you have been sorely deprived of one of the friendliest, funniest fields offered on this earth. Go watch the world of whelps and war-hounds congregating, cliquing, and clowning around. Before you know it, you will be involved in a puppo-convo with the other playful pooches’ parents. It’s a great excuse to talk and meet new puppers and peeps. Take the plunge at any local dog beach, pup-pub, floofer event, or canine coaching class!
Online social support can lead to a more dog-friendly social life
The digital world contains communal escapes from the reality of one’s everyday lives. Why not expose your dog-loving self to a dog-loving world online?
Social media sensations
A social media account featuring Fido and his funny, flattering photos is the modern route to a social life. A pup-load of people take more photos of their dogs than of their friends or families. If you are one of these people, use your animal obsession to connect with like-minded animal amigos! Create content and converse within a cyber community about canine commonalities. Swap cute pet snaps and videos, funny memes, interesting stories, and life hacks with a cyber canine community. In addition to learning more, your could promote your bushy bestie into the next In-Vogue Inu Instagram Influencer.
Pooch platforms
You can also link with like-minded masses through other online platforms. Involve yourself and your snuffler in doggo-dedicated forums and blogs. These provide exchanges through comments, questions, and the sharing of knowledge.
Meetup groups
If you want to meet in-person with other pooch-loving peeps, you can join an online group that regularly organises pupper play dates. This will provide the opportunity for both humans and hounds to gather and banter or bark. You can’t back out at the last minute, as you have to think about your fur child, not just yourself, and give him the chance to socialise and make new friends!
Appease others with an assistance animal
Consider making your pup an Emotional Support dog. This means you can share their feel-good vibes while visiting people in need of a bit of cheer. Alleviate some of the sufferings of strangers by socialising with your snuffling sidekick. Get to know people in a nursing home, hospital ward, psychiatric unit, or veteran facility. Watch them visibly light up upon your dog’s arrival and become open to chatting while patting. You will all feel the benefits of the companionship and affection being exchanged.
Canine companions can be cracking conversationalists
My greatest social fur-given gains have always come from pooches. A dog will always accept you and attend to you, offering companionship and comfort without complaint. Through good days and bad, they will provide a paw to cry on or entertain you with a sploot to make you smile. Any lonely feelings will be forgotten when you begin to gasbag, gossip, and giggle with your bewhiskered buddy. Tell him about your day away from them and listen while they show how much they have missed your company. Rebound quicker from any social rejection or humiliation as you come home and communicate with an animal who will accept all of you. A dog really is a person’s best friend!
I can’t express enough how a boofy being will enhance your social life. A dog will act as the icebreaker and commonality in social situations, quell any dogmatic drama, make you crave digital dog discussions and depictions, meet up with like-minded pupper parents, and spread your hound’s high spirits within the community. And don’t forget: they’re always there to provide the complete company of a best friend. So get out there and get your two exceptional souls socialising!